DOMMERTILMELDING til Copenhagen Invitational 2025

Copenhagen Invitational hereby invites referees from all over Europe to our 11th international 3PO-clinic in Denmark.

The traditional tournament COPENHAGEN INVITATIONAL is being played in and around Farum, about 20 km north of Copenhagen center. This is a strong tournament with participation of quality teams, age U13/U14/U15 Boys & Girls. This year we expect to play games on 8 courts in 3 different locations. 

Again this year there will be a 3PO-clinic from the 6th (evening) to the 9th of June (late afternoon). There will be 3 theory sessions, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and you will have 5-6 international games, all of which will be conducted with 3-Person-Officiating, with instructors on every game. Please arrange your travel so you arrive Friday during the day and leave late Monday.

There will be fee for the referee clinic, which will be 180 EUR. This fee goes directly to raise the quality of the clinic, and the amount of qualified instructors.

You will also receive a referee t-shirt and some other related referee equipment.

The 3PO-clinic is being hosted by high quality instructors and other national instructors or former international referees that will give feedback to develop the referees.

Head of the clinic is Oskars Lucis (Latvia)
FIBA referee 2003-2023
Euroleague referee 2007-2016
FIBA National instructor 2012-2017
FIBA FRIP from 2017
Latvian Youth referee coordinator from 2009
FIBA commissioner and video observer from 2023

Main lectures are:

Tanel Suslov (Estonia)
FIBA referee 2006-2022
Basketball Champions league referee since 2016, Elite referee group
Eurobasket Women 2017, FIBA Europe Cup final 2019
FIBA Europe Cup F4 2021, Fiba FRIP 2024
FIBA instructor since 2024
Head of the referees Estonia 2023

Juozas Barkauskas (Lithuania)
FIBA Elite referee
Officiating in the Lithuanian Top Men's League and Basketball Champions League

More names will be announced as we get closer to the event.

Instructors are
Skirmantas Letukas (Lithuania/Denmark)
Jonas Bille (Denmark)
Bo Bundgaard (Denmark)
Carsten Kristensen (Denmark)
Christian Hansen (Denmark)

This year we can present two levels of lodging options:

- Standard lodging will be in school classrooms or equal on air matresses provided by organization. You only need to bring sleeping bag and pillow.

- Bymose Hegn Hotel. Through our trusted partner we again able to offer a quality budget hotel in Nordic design. The hotel 20-25 minutes drive from the main arena and cafeteria. The tournament will service the hotel 3-4 times a day with busses.

Please contact if you want to book anything else than standard lodging. These options are only available as long as there are available beds.

Standard lodging and all meals are included in the clinic price for the participating referees.

All travel cost will be covered by the referees themselves, but we will arrange pickup and transportation to Farum if you arrive in Copenhagen Airport. 

Each applicant must fill out the registration form to be considered for participation. REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN. This also applies for any referees appointed by their National Federation for the clinic.

Since we only have room for a certain number of referees this year, we need to have a selection process, to determine who can participate in the clinic, we hope for your understanding of this. We are prioritizing referees that has been participating in the tournament before.

You will receive an approval email from the system as soon as your application has been reviewed and accepted. In this email, you will also have details for paying the participant fee.

Once we have registered your payment, we will finally confirm your participation. We need to have received your payment no later than by the May 10th. If not your registration for the clinic will be cancelled.

 If we get overbooked,, we will create a standby list for referees in that case, you will be notified as soon as you register.

Each National Federation can send up to 3 referees. If you are sent by your national federation, contact your national instructor about payment.
Please feel free to contact Stefan at if you have any questions about the tournament or the 3PO Clinic.

We hope to see many of you in Farum in June.

Happy officiating!

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