A preview of the 2022 tournament
The organizational committee of Copenhagen Invitational wants to wish Happy New Year to everyone.
Preparations for the tournament are in full swing in the organizational committee. This summer we believe we will restart the tournament after years of absence.
All across Europe we are in the midst of yet another winter of pandemic related limitations in our everyday life. We do believe that with spring and summer coming this will change and we can once again meet across borders and create a unique tournament. We know that many wants to get back out there and have these international experiences. We are going to do our part in making sure to provide this and create a momentous event.
We have been laying low with the preparations for Copenhagen Invitational for some months now, as we have been unsure whether the tournament could be a reality or not. But after having assessed the situation, we are quite optimistic about going through with the tournament on June 16th to 19th 2022. We are again going to offer a tournament for girls and boys U14 (2008) and U15 (2007).
If you are interested in participating, please contact us info@followthrough.d k
Our tournament
Copenhagen Invitational is an exclusive basketball tournament for developing National team talent in U14 and U15 age range. The tournament is recognized internationally by FIBA Europe, as one of the best youth tournaments benefitting the development of National team players, coaches and referees. In addition to the participating National teams, there are also a few select teams invited to take part in the tournament. The aim of the tournament is to help the participating, National Federations, players, coaches and referees, mature, advance and progress. Copenhagen Invitational does it by creating the best possible game conditions in a welcoming, friendly and safe environment of competition in order to foster growth and development of all three parties to the next level.
The Invitational was founded in 2008 as a local tournament and since then the interest of the tournament has grown year by year. Thanks to a large group of volunteers, we have been able to welcome and meet the challenge of hosting a high quality, FIBA recognized, youth tournament. Today the tournament hosts more than 30 teams and in addition, runs a referee education program. It is our goal that our participants and visitors to the tournament feel the best possible treatment and warm "Velkommen til Copenhagen Invitational”.
Please like us on Facebook to receive more updates on the tournament.
Welcome to Furesø Kommune!

Dear all,
I want to welcome you all to the Municipality of Furesø and the international youthbasketball competition.
We are very happy to have so many young people visiting us and hope very much you will enjoy your stay here.
This event has attracted more and more young basketballplayers over the years and we are now hosting more than 700 participants from 15 different countries. I am very proud of this achievement by the Værløse Basketball Club and all the volunteers who made it all possible.
I hope that you, apart from playing a lot of basketball, also get time to socialise, meet new friends and spend some time sightseeing in our municipality which is very green and beautiful this time of year.
I wish you all a pleasent stay and may the best team win.
Ole Bondo Christensen
Mayor of Furesø Kommune
Welcome to Rudersdal Kommune!

Velkommen til fremtidens basketstjerner!
Jeg er glad for endnu en gang at kunne byde velkommen til flere end 700 unge basketballspillere fra hele verden, der kommer til Danmark for at deltage i ungdomsbasketball-turneringen Copenhagen Invitational 2019.
Vi glæder os til at se internationale talenter folde sig ud i vores haller og repræsentere deres sport. Over 200 frivillige har i månedsvis knoklet for at for turneringen.
Det fortjener al mulig respekt og påskønnelse, for det er arrangementer af denne type, der gør vores lokalsamfund levende og inspirerende for vores børn og unge og ikke mindst sætter vores byer på landkortet. Det er ganske enkelt imponerende, at det er lykkedes for syvende år i træk at få hele den spirende internationale elite hertil.
Interessen for basketballspillet herhjemme kan vi konstatere er støt stigende, og vi kan glæde os over at flere og flere børn og unge melder sig ind i lokale klubber over det ganske land til en sport, hvor et stærkt sammenhold er et centralt og bærende element.
I Copenhagen Invitational vil vi se det folde sig ud for fuld kraft - altimens store dele af verden kigger med for at se hvem der mon bliver fremtidens stjerner.
Endnu en gang tak for det enorme frivillige arbejde, der ligger bag turneringen fra de to klubber, Birkerød Basketball Klub og Værløse Basketball Klub.
Jeg ønsker alle en rigtig god turnering.
Med venlig hilsen
Jens Ive
Borgmester i Rudersdal Kommune